AndrOpen Office
User Data Deletion

AndrOpen Office and the related applications (Additional Libraries Pack, Professional Pack, etc.) use Google's Analytics, Crashlytics, and Remote Config.

AndrOpen Office uses also SDKs for accessing Cloud Storages.

This section describes how to request the user data deletion sent, accessed, or stored by these services.

Analytics, Crashlytics, and Remote Config (AndrOpen Office & related applications)

User data to be sent

The user data to be sent is described in our Privacy Policy.

How to request the user data deletion

You can request the user data deletion within the apps by following operations:

Opt Out

You can opt-out them within the apps.

Please see this article.

SDKs for Accessing Cloud Storages (AndrOpen Office)

User data to be accessed, used, or stored

The user data to be accessed, used, or stored is described in our Privacy Policy.

The destination of the user data is the app's private storage and they're never accessed by the other apps.

For OAuth, it is described in the Account Deletion section.

User data deletion

Because the user data is stored in the private storage, so you can delete them by the app deletion. 
